The main difference between barbecue and barbecue, is the method of preparation of the product. If the barbecue is cooked on skewers, skewers and skewers, then barbecue is cooked on the grill. If kebab is traditionally cooked on charcoal, then barbecue can be cooked using gas. the author decided to make a barbecue, in which you can use both coal and gas.
Tools and materials:
-Old barbecue (for parts);
- Corner;
Shock absorber;
- Stone wool;
-Welding machine;
- Heat-resistant paint;
Step One: Disassembly
The author had an old barbecue, unusable. Parses it. For future use, left the cover, gas burners and stand.

Step Two: Barrel
Cuts the barrel into two parts.

Strengthens the edges of the frypot and lid along the perimeter.

The barrel length is one meter. Welds a corner, dividing the fryer into two unequal halves, 60 and 40 cm.

From the lid of an old barbecue cuts and installs a partition. The partition will prevent the coals from entering the gas burner.

Step Three: Stand
The stand measures 85 * 50 cm, which is clearly not enough for a new roasting pan. Disassembles the stand and remakes it to the size of 103 * 63 cm.

Makes holes for bolts that will hold the stand and the roasting pan together.

Trying on the lid.

Step Four: Burners
Burners will be installed in a small frypot compartment. Parses gas burners. Shortens the pipe between them.

In a brazier, makes holes for the burner.

Step Five: Stripping and Painting
Cleans both halves of old paint. In the place where the burners will be installed, rivets the linings. For the flow of air, it makes a number of holes in the end of the fryer. In the frypot lid makes a hole for the thermometer.

Apply heat resistant paint.

Step Six: pen and thermometer
Installs the handle and secures the thermometer.

Seventh step: assembly
Sets the barbecue on a stand. From the end, laying stone wool between the brazier and the stand, fixes it with bolts.

Secures the strips from the bottom and sides of the stand.

Sets loops. To keep the lid open, it installs a shock absorber.

Secures the bar at the top of the stand. Installs gas shutoff valves.

Now you can light a fire and check the operation of the fryer.

It remains to install the grill and you can cook.